oh this is going to be addictive
Twitter is born, and Dom posts the first substantive tweet in response to a message from Twitter’s inventor: @Jack. Mastering the short form becomes a daily study for Dom. Four months later, we launch “twttr”.
It takes a year to master Twitter, and another 9 months to write the first 10 Rules. That brings us to December 2007. In February of 2008 Jack writes his famous quote, and in March Dom buys 140characters.com to help change the world.
The meeting of Dom and Adam.
July 11, 2008: iPhone 3G Launch day. Liana, a sponsor of iPhoneDevCamp, introduces Adam to Dom. We talk about Twitter and Adam’s recent move to San Francisco and of course grab the first iPhone 3G models to leave the store.
August 3: iPhoneDevCamp 2. Adam runs into Dom outside of Tommy’s Tequila and describes his idea for a Twitter book. Dom describes a similar ambition. Over margaritas, we decide to become co-authors and self-publish our work together.
August 28: Starbucks on Townsend. We discuss chapters, format, and a timeline. We begin collecting thoughts on our wiki.
September 2: Podango in the Dogpatch. We discuss the current literary offerings on Twitter, and how to differentiate ourselves. We were to meet up a few times in October, including FlashCamp.
November 13: Starbucks on Townsend. Dom comes to Adam with an epiphany about how to differentiate ourselves: become a literary guidebook. Have an opinion about style and focus on that. We decide that our two totally different approaches to posting on Twitter will make good stylistic crosshairs.
November 17: Starbucks on 4th Street. We launch the site: 140 Characters, and @TheBook on Twitter.
“One could change the world with one hundred and forty characters.”
Fast forward to now, with you reading this post and contributing to the book! This is our story, and it’s only just begun.